[nm_banner layout=”boxed-full-parent” title_size=”large” subtitle_tag=”h3″ text_position=”h_left-v_top” text_animation=”fadeIn” text_width=”37″ image_id=”1133″ custom_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stomptrap.com%2Fshop%2F|title:Shop||” title=”The adapter between your pedals and pedalboard”]
[nm_feature icon=”pe-7s-umbrella” layout=”centered” bottom_spacing=”small” title=”No more need to stick velcro under your pedals”][/nm_feature]
[nm_feature icon=”pe-7s-magnet” layout=”centered” bottom_spacing=”small” title=”Get rid of wiggle and wobble by increasing the surface area”][/nm_feature]
[nm_feature icon=”pe-7s-exapnd2″ layout=”centered” bottom_spacing=”small” title=”No extra space needed, uses the empty space beneath the plugs”][/nm_feature]
[nm_feature icon=”pe-7s-tools” layout=”centered” bottom_spacing=”small” title=”Compatible to all common pedalboards (velcro)”][/nm_feature]

Thats what the press says about stomptrap …

[nm_testimonial image_id=”1126″ signature=”Mario Seifarth” description=”Selfies esthetic gentrify photo booth, locavore brunch vegan.” company=”Musiker TV”]„Dank stomptrap als Adapter zwischen Pedal und Pedalboard ist man nun nicht mehr gezwungen das frisch gekaufte Pedal gleich mit Klettstreifen zu bekleben, wodurch in den meisten Fällen natürlich auch der Wiederverkaufswert sinkt.“ Musiker-TV.com[/nm_testimonial]
[nm_testimonial image_id=”1124″ signature=”Jan Eigenbrodt” company=”Janssons Gitarrentalk” description=”Art party aesthetic gentrify cred photo booth, locavore brunch vegan. Cardigan before they sold out Thundercats photo booth. Health skateboard YOLO Intelligentsia distillery.”]„Wer braucht die stomptrap denn nun? Ich sage euch was: ALLE. Für mich ist die stomptrap eine dieser Sachen, von denen man nicht wusste, dass man sie vermisst. Bis man sie probiert hat.“ Janssons-Gitarrentalk.de[/nm_testimonial]
[nm_testimonial image_id=”1128″ signature=”David Schischke” description=”Thundercats photo booth. Health skateboard Intelligentsia swag.” company=”Louder”]„Die Stomptrap überzeugt mit perfekter Verarbeitungsqualität!“ Louder.com[/nm_testimonial]
[nm_banner layout=”boxed-full-parent” title_size=”medium” title_tag=”h2″ text_position=”h_right-v_top” text_alignment=”align_right” title=”For small and medium-sized guitar effects devices” custom_link=”url:%2Fshop%2F|title:Shop||” image_id=”1144″ text_width=”25″]

stomptrap® can also be mounted offset to save even more space on the pedalboard.

Indestructible made of stainless steel, made in Germany, environmentally friendly packaging

The international design-protected stomptrap® can be fastened with the enclosed velcro strips or screws.

[nm_button title=”to the shop” align=”center” link=”url:%2Fen%2Fshop%2F|title:stomptrap%20online%20kaufen||” color=”#dd9933″]
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